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Credit Repair – How To Deal With A Credit Bureau

Credit Repair – How To Deal With A Credit Bureau

Having good credit is an essential tool in today’s economy – it allows you to have a credit card, to obtain car and house loans, and many other conveniences. While you can live without good credit, a bad credit rating will certainly affect you negatively throughout your life. The key to your credit rating lies with a credit bureau. There are a handful of credit bureaus in North America that handle all reports – positive and negative – from creditors to create a credit report specific to you. If you have a poor credit history, you must take steps to engage in credit repair, and one of the first and most essential tools is to learn how to effectively deal with your credit bureau.

Credit repair begins with determining which credit bureau holds your file. To do this simply look at any rejection letter from a credit application – the letter, in refusing your credit, will indicate which bureau proved the rating. The next step is to obtain your credit history. Keep in mind that legally it is always free to obtain your credit history if you have recently been denied credit, although many organizations will imply that it is not. The only time you should pay money for a credit report is if you want to receive it instantly, in which case credit bureaus will provide an instant online report for a fee.

When dealing with a credit bureau, understand that they are in the business of collecting and selling information. For this reason, it is in your interest to never provide them with any information that is not legally necessary. Legally, you only need to provide a credit bureau with your name, social security number, and legal address in order to obtain your credit report. The bureaus may request a copy of your social security card, and – if the address they have on file is different from your current one – a copy of something proving your address. Although they may ask for a driver’s license to prove your address, send them a copy of a bill showing your address. The reason you want to be cautious when dealing with credit bureaus is that they own many collection agencies and if you have a credit problem you want to give them as little information as possible with which to harass you.

Once you have received the report, examine it closely for any errors. If anything is in question, send a written request for an investigation to the credit bureau. Legally, the onus is on the credit bureau to document anything on your credit report – if they cannot document it within 30 days, it must be removed. This is the basic strategy of many credit repair companies that charge exorbitant fees: challenge everything negative. In many cases, if the negative item is more than a few years old it will be difficult to verify and the item will be removed.

By learning to properly deal with a credit bureau you can engage in effective credit repair that other companies charge high fees for. By educating yourself as to the legal obligations of the credit bureau, you can, in many cases, repair your own credit quickly and effectively.

Additional information to help you build good credit:

Making a Debt Management Plan for Credit Repair

Top 10 Ways to Repair Your Credit Score

Evaluating a Credit Repair and Things To Do

Evaluating a Credit Repair and Things To Do

Are you wondering about what you have to do with credit repair? Or maybe you’re just curious whether your credit needs fixing or not? Last time you checked, you didn’t but who knows what could happen in five years? Maybe, you already know the importance of evaluating a credit repair but you’re unsure whether to do it yourself or pay for the services of a credit repair company. Or perhaps, you’re about to undergo a credit check to qualify for career promotion and you’re hoping to make it absolutely sure that you’ll pass?

If so, here’s everything you have to know about evaluating a credit repair.

Each step that you take in credit repair must be evaluated carefully. If you’re going to do it yourself, prepare beforehand by reading credit repair books, searching the Internet for advice from experts, purchasing a do-it-yourself credit repair kit, and so on.

As you read, you’ll see that the first thing everyone shall advise you to do is to procure a copy of your credit report. If you were under the impression that only finance companies, banks, and merchants can ask for a credit report, you’re wrong. As long as you’re asking for a credit report done on you, then certainly you can ask for a copy. This would cost you a bit so better prepare to spend. We advise you to take at least copies of your credit reports from the following credit bureaus: TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax because most financial institutions usually base their decisions on either of the credit reports provided by the aforementioned credit bureaus.

Got your copy now? Okay, roll it out and study each and every item on the list. Don’t overlook anything, even your personal records because you’re certainly not the only Lisa Smith in Washington, D.C. and who knows if the other Ms. Smith have unimaginable debts that were somehow mistakenly listed under your record? It pays to be cautious, okay. Now, with a do-it-yourself credit repair kit, they’re sure to advise you about the common things to watch out for. You’ll be surprised to know that approximately thirty percent of credit reports contain items. So who knows if you’re one of that thirty percent?

Lastly, if you find out anything to dispute, it’s time to fill-up the form for disputes and then approaching the credit bureau responsible for the erroneous credit report. Take our advice and use the time to your disadvantage. File for disputes during the busiest times of the year like the ones following Thanksgiving and Christmas.
More information are available at

A Chance For Much Needed Credit Repair Redemption

A Chance For Much Needed Credit Repair Redemption

There are many actions that you can defend by saying “oh, I was just young and foolish then,” but when talking about credit repair redemption this will only get you sympathy from friends. You can pay dearly for foolish financial decisions and laziness for years after you were “young and foolish,” keeping many people from realizing their full potential financially for so long that by the normal age of retirement rolls around they are forced to work 5 or 10 years longer. The answer that smart business and lawyer types have come up with is called credit repair.

This invention of credit repair has literally been a life-saving thing for thousands (maybe even millions) of folks who were bitten in the butt by the false flash of credit and the increased power to buy. The redemption is well worth the time, money, and effort that it takes to get your report clean—just as if you had never had a problem with debt—and allows you to get on with your life and enjoy the financial freedom that you never dreamed was possible.

The best part of this answer, and the part that makes it work so well, is that it is a good deal for everyone involved. You see credit cards and other sources of credit make money when people owe them a balance but only when the person is able to make regular minimum payments on this debt. The sad thing is that there are so many people that became overextended to the point of crippling them so that they couldn’t even make the minimum payment. The loan companies are more than happy in these situations to cut their losses and the original balance back (forgiving some of the finance charges they are owed and allowing the credit repair) because money in the bank makes more money.

So the system allows people to make the credit report look as if they were regular and on time with their payments and allows them to pay back the outstanding balance at rates that will not sink them into oblivion. Credit repair is done through the legal system with lawyers making deals on an individual basis so that both parties win and are able to walk away from the situation in better shape and with a better future. The process also requires that the debtor goes through some financial training so that the situation won’t repeat itself. Sound like credit repair redemption to me, and I like that sound!

Credit Repair Terms – From C to A Paper

Credit Repair Terms – From C to A Paper

If you’ve ever applied for a home loan with less than stellar credit, you know how much extra you have to pay. Even though it can take some time, knowing some of the most important credit repair terms is definitely worth pursuing.

Credit Scores

When considering your application for a home loan, a financial institution looks at your credit and assigns it a score. In the industry, these scores are loosely referred to as a type of paper. The best scores equate to “A” paper, while lower scores are graded just like in school, to wit, “B”, “C”, “D” and “Oh, my god” paper. If you have an “A” paper, you can expect to get the best deal, while lower grades are known as sub-prime borrowers.

Credit Repair

Credit repair is important because even small movements in your credit score can move you from one score to the next. If you move from B paper to A paper, you will save thousands of dollars in lower interest rates. A credit score of roughly 680 is considered to be A paper. If you have a score of 670, credit repair can bump you to 685 and save tens of thousands of dollars. In short, you want to make the effort to repair your credit whenever possible. Don’t just sit and suffer from sub-prime loans.

To repair credit, there are simple credit repair terms to learn and steps that can be taken. Let’s take a look at some.

Credit Card Debt Ratios

Believe it or not, you can improve your credit scores by simply moving credit card balances around. A credit card with no balance actually doesn’t help you much if you have another card that is maxed out. If you shift the debt evenly among all credit cards, your credit score should increase. This has to do with something called your ratio of debt to available credit. It is a loophole of sorts, so take advantage of it. If debts are bogging you down, a repair service can surely help!

Closing Accounts

Don’t! Many people will close a credit card or other borrowing accounts when they are done with them. This is a huge mistake. First, it hurts you because you’ve reduced the available credit portion of your debt to available credit ratio. Second, you lose a record of your long-term credit payment history for the account. Lenders like to see these, so suck it up and keep the account open.


As strange as it sounds, inquiries on your credit report hurt you. Try to eliminate these by challenging them through the Fair Credit Reporting Act and limiting the credit applications you pursue. You can challenge inquiries by ordering copies of your credit reports and following the instructions on the report. Make sure to do this for all three credit reporting agencies – Equifax, Experian, and Transunion.

Check Your Report

The big three credit agencies must report to Congress each year. Each year they report an astonishing number of problems with their systems. This can affect you since accounts will appear that are not yours. If these accounts have problems, your credit score goes down. Make sure you check your report before applying for a loan. You want to deal with these issues before you are in escrow.

Borrowing large sums of money for a home loan can be intimidating. Avoid acting like a dear in the headlights. Deal with your credit issues and save yourself thousands in payments.

Avoid Payday Loans to Repair your Credit

Avoid Payday Loans to Repair your Credit

If you are trying to make ends meet and are having past due bills pile up, the last resort you would want is to take out payday loans to pay your dues. There are many sources available today that offer payday advances.

To get a quick payday advance loan, you can connect online with many payday advance loan companies. Most payday loan companies do not check credit so even if you have bad credit or no credit, you can still apply for a payday loan. The loans are issued after you show proof of banking account, Social Security, Driver License, and Pay stub proofs. This information is used against you, often the lenders will deduct money from your accounts including interest, and principals that apply to each loan you take out.

If you are applying for a payday loan online…Beware…Some of the sources are not even institutes that specialize in payday loans. When you are trying to repair your credit, the last thing you need to do is spend money that is not necessary. When you borrow money from payday loaners, your personal information may not be private. Since many of the lenders are outside of the United States and are out of government regulations, your information just might fall into anyone’s hands. This puts your credit at great risk. You would be wise to perform some extensive research to ensure the payday loan institute is valid and trustworthy.

Payday loans offer you a loan against your paycheck, but the downside is you will be paying higher fees to get the loan. You could be wasting money and taking a chance on your identity. Some payday loan companies offer a “free” loan to their new customers i.e. no fees as long as the loan amount is paid in full on its due date. If you are searching for help to repair your credit, it might be wise to search the market for legitimate resources that will help you restore your credit at little or no cost to you. There are Debt Counselors and Debt Management Companies available that assist people with credit repair but the best source is you. You might be wise to check out government options that are available to people with bad credit.

Many services are available to help you repair your life. The best solution is keeping up to date on your bills if possible or minimizing your monthly installments by opting for credit cards that have no fees attached and low-interest rates. If you have a credit card, or else applying for a credit card avoid charging items to your cards unless it is absolutely necessary. You might want to apply for a different credit card if your card has high-interest rates and discontinue your old card once you receive your new card. In some cases, depending on your credit card history, you could call your credit card company and ask them to reduce your interest rate. If you have had a good history with the company, they will most likely oblige.

If you suspect that someone has access to your card be sure to contact your provider immediately to report the card lost or stolen. Always keep this information in close vicinity to ensure a quick response. Be sure to only provide your personal information to those you trust i.e. Social Security Number and Bank Account Number. Never give information pertaining to you freely especially over the phone. If you are considering a loan to pay off your debts, check the market first before applying. The more applications you complete, the more it applies to your credit report. You might want to cut back on your utilities, i.e. reduce your heat or air conditioning, to save funds that can be applied to your bills.

Two Ways To Begin Repairing Your Credit

Two Ways To Begin Repairing Your Credit

Credit is a necessary tool for many people’s day-to-day lives. Good credit allows for many advantages that we sometimes take for granted: credit cards, the ability to rent an apartment, qualifying for financing, or a car loan, and that’s just the beginning. If you fall behind in payments towards a creditor, each incident will be reported to your credit bureau, end up reflecting badly in your credit rating, and make the credit-dependent activities above difficult If not impossible. If you have a poor credit rating, repairing your credit should begin as soon as possible.

Credit repair is not a quick process and requires you to build a better rating over time. Here are some steps to get you started:

1. Add Accounts to your Credit Report.

If you apply for credit and are denied, you should immediately get a copy of your credit report from the credit bureau who denied you. When you receive the report, examine it closely for any errors. If the report reflects no errors, you may realize that the only reason your credit rating is “poor,” is because you don’t have enough credit history to give you a good rating.

Some types of credit, like gas cards or department store credit cards, may not be tracked by credit bureaus. However, as long as the credit bureau can verify that the account is legitimate, most credit bureaus can add it to your account for a fee. By adding these accounts to your credit report, and paying them regularly, you can begin to establish a better credit rating.

2. Seek Credit Counseling.

Once you’re mired in debt, bad credit can become a vicious circle that it’s difficult to escape from. If you see yourself being drawn into the bad credit-cycle, consider credit counseling. Not to be confused with credit repair companies, a credit counselor is usually a non-profit service that offers advice and guidance for individuals trying to repair their credit. Credit repair companies operate for-profit and sometimes have dubious ethics. They generally charge fees for doing things that with a little bit of knowledge, you can easily do of yourself. A good credit counselor helps you create a realistic budget – and stick to it – as well as make practical decisions in regards to your current credit situation.

By adding accounts already in good standing to your credit report and seeking help from a credit counselor if necessary, you will begin to make headway in the credit repair process. It is important to remember that a good credit rating takes a long time to build, but only a very short time to damage. There is no quick-fix for bad credit: you will have to work on building your credit rating up, sometimes from scratch. Avoid credit repair companies that falsely promise quick and easy solutions for a fee, and instead try to make long-term changes to your budget and spending habits. Follow these steps, give it time, and you will be successful in repairing your credit.

Need more guidance in repairing your credit? Let us work together and figure out the things you need for you to achieve that financial freedom you’ve been dreaming of.

Three Steps To Fix the Error on Your Credit Report

Three Steps To Fix the Error on Your Credit Report

Have you spent a little more (or a lot more) than you should have with credit? Most American’s have several credit cards with a few thousand dollars in debt racked up, as well as car or personal loans. When you combine these payments with your everyday living expenses, it can be really hard to get yourself out of debt. Here are 3 steps you can take right now to fix the error on your credit report.

1. Thanks to changes in federal laws, every citizen in the United States is now eligible for a free credit report every year. It used to be you had to be denied credit with a company before you could obtain a free report, now you can request one each year to keep on top of what’s being put in your credit report. This allows you to find and fix the error before it costs you your good credit reputation. Order a copy of your credit report to determine how severe your financial situation is. You may think that you have bad credit, but your credit report may show otherwise, and vice versa. If your report shows a lower score than you would like, you can then start taking steps to improve the situation.

2. Investigate the credit report thoroughly and look for errors. You would be amazed at how many people have found accounts on their reports that they have never had in their name. The usual errors are credit card accounts that are showing open when you’ve paid them off and closed the account, and this appears to be money available to you that hurts your overall credit score. You can fix these errors by writing to each of the companies that have reported information in error, and asking them to correct it immediately. Save a copy of all correspondence and seek the advice of the credit reporting agencies if necessary. Once you get the errors corrected, you may be happy with your new credit score!

3. Fix your long term credit situation. Once the errors have been corrected from your credit report, chances are you still have quite a bit of debt you need to get rid of in order to fully improve your credit rating and get yourself out of debt. The first thing you absolutely must do on the journey to repairing your credit is “STOP USING CREDIT CARDS”. If you have them, get rid of them! You must work at paying off the existing debt, and it will only be worth your time and effort if you stop adding to that debt by continuing to spend using your credit cards.

Consider a Loan to Consolidate Credit

If you are still able to, you might consider obtaining a loan to pay off each of your individual credit cards. Doing this will help you because it changes your monthly expenses from several, individual credit card payments, each with their own interest rates and finance charges, to a single monthly loan payment, with just one interest rate. You should also accept a loan with high interest in this case if it’s all you are able to get if it means paying off ALL of your existing credit card debt. Why? For the simple fact that having a single monthly payment with high interest is still going to save you money over the long term than having four or five credit cards with their own interest rates and finance charges that are added, month after month. Your payment will go further on a single loan payment than when it is sent to individual credit cards, regardless of the interest rate on the loan.

Credit Repair Solutions for Building Credit

Credit Repair Solutions for Building Credit

When it comes to life the majority are always assuming, and most of them assume the worst. Creditors, debtors, or anyone today all base their theories on assumptions and assumptions from the beginning of time has caused nothing but failure. Asking for guidance from Credit Counselors is the solution when you don’t see a way out on your own. The professionals work closely with your creditors, you, and work toward credit repair solutions.

When people fail to pay their bills on time, many of the creditors assume that the debtor does not have the means to pay the debt. Many creditors with the assumption that you are not capable of paying your bills will often set up an arrangement or else lower the amount so that you can repay the debt. This is a step to credit repair, however, it takes you to contact the creditors to let them know your situation.

If you have several bills on hand and all the bills are pressing it makes sense to pay off the debt that benefits you the most. After this bill is paid you can set aside an amount the following paycheck to payoff another of the bills. Once you follow this strategy it allows you to work your bills down gradually thus repairing your credit. If you don’t have the funds to repay the entire bill at most pay the minimum amount so that you can continue using the service. Most debtors assume they are in debt and there is nothing they can do to resolve the problems that plague their lives every day. Creditors are always on their back, and their paychecks are never enough to make ends meet.

This is the process of giving up on life. When we give up it often leads to stress. The answer is often in front of them or comes somewhere down the line. Sometimes we see Credit Counseling or Debt Consolidation advertisings and think, ‘how can they help me.” The fact is Debt Consolidation is only a lead to get creditors off your back for a moment. Credit Counselors are more prone to help you find a solution to repairing your credit.

This is certainly a way to get creditors off your back, work out an agreement with your debts, and reduce the stress level that comes along with financial burdens. Some of the Credit Counseling Services offer a low fee for their services and provide you with a financial managing solution. The services often offer help with managing your money, as well as offering counsel to homeowners, students, and so on. There are many solutions for debt relief so the key then is not assuming the worst. Again, one of the best credit repair solutions is paying off the debts that are considered priorities. If you have a secured loan, it is always wise to find a way to pay these bills first. Unsecured loans pose a threat, but nothing compared to secured debts.

Some of the nonessential bills can include credit cards. Although you are responsible for this bill, however, the worst that happens with credit cards is that you lose your privileges. Check your terms & agreements, since some credit cards may allow you to pay the interest on the cards. This will give you the time you need to find a solution for paying off the card. Some cards may even allow you to pay the minimum balance on the card and allow you to keep the card in your possession. If you have credit cards you might want to consider paying your bills, which will give you time to repay the credit card.

Pay the maximum amount on the credit card before the bill comes in so that you have funds available to pay your bills the following month in case you don’t have the funds available. There is always a solution, so never assume that you can’t deal with any problem. You might want to cut back on some of your spendings so that you will have extra cash when those bills come in also. Cutting back only provides credit repair solutions for gaining money and repairing your credit.

Reward Credit Cards – Benefit While Building Credit

Reward Credit Cards – Benefit While Building Credit

Many cards available online are offering rewards, simply because it is the only way for card issuers to keep up with their competition. The cards available today are for students, consumers, business owners, and more, and while each card has its own style, the rewards are similar, yet contrasting. To learn more about reward credit cards, utilize the Internet where you will find a variety of card offers to compare.

Various reward credit cards online provide a way for cardholders to earn rewards, as well as discounts at select merchandisers and retailers. The rewards and discounts are available per purchase made on the card. Some credit card issuers will offer a surplus of points on initial purchases. Most credit card sites have taken special care to locate the leading card issuers, credit cards, and more. Some of the very best review cards are available at the secured sites.

Credit Card Offers

A typical reward credit card might offer 0% APR on balance transfers for up to a year as a “teaser” and some may even include 0% APR on purchases as well, although this particular feature is somewhat rare. Many reward credit cards will feature bonus points from making purchases at certain retailers such as restaurants, gas stations, office supply stores, and car rental agencies. Like many of the cards online that offer rewards, you can take advantage of billing and reports or reimbursements, viewing the information online. The best reward credit cards will also offer at least a competitive ongoing APR as well.

A few reward credit cards will give cardholders up to 5 percent cash back on charges made at supermarkets, gas stations, and drugstores, amounting to a pretty significant discount and subsequent rebate on purchases. Typically, cardholders might also be able to earn a smaller rebate percentage at a wider range of retail outlets, providing yet another incentive for purchase activity. Cardholders should make sure to find out what the maximum rebate limit is for the offer prior to applying. Typically, these cashback rewards tend to be capped out a maximum of $300 to $500 in cash benefit per year.

Low Rate Cards

Some of the best reward credit cards also feature very lowest interest rates. Certain reward credit card offers will provide introductory APRs on purchases for up to a year as well as 0% on balance transfers for up to 15 months. You will get competitive ongoing APR’s and you’ll receive generous credit lines up to $100,000 in some instances. The card issuers will also provide cardholders with options on redeeming their rewards points in either cash or travel rewards, offering great flexibility.

Reward credit cards are available everywhere, yet the Internet is one of the areas that offer security, as well as an area to search and compare some of the best reward credit cards online.

Why is It Necessary to Do Credit Report Repair?

Why is It Necessary to Do Credit Report Repair?

Is it necessary to do credit report repair?

Credit report repair will surely help you to improve your credit report and thereby increase your credit score. It is a process that eliminates the negative remarks and gives you a good credit report. There are many people who are unaware of repairing their credit reports and thereby create an obstacle to getting credit extension. You can even repair your credit report timely or by checking it periodically.

With the help of a good credit report, you can have credit flexibility through which you can get credit at a low-interest rate. One should not get tired of bad credit report but seek suitable measures to improve it. A self-credit repair can be a difficult task but with the help of many online services, one can easily repair it by oneself. Below are a few tips, which can help you to repair your credit report.

• Order Credit Report

This is your first step in which you must order the credit report from all the credit bureaus. Don’t be surprised to see different credit report ratings as different credit bureau have different ways to maintain a credit report.

• Check Credit Report

In this step, you must check your report carefully and slowly. It is quite general to find at least one error in one of the three reports.

• Document and Dispute Strategy

Any mistake in your credit report must be informed to the credit bureau. Finding the reason behind any error is equally important, as you understand your credit report. Maintain up to date copy of each and every document that can be used as future reference.

• Dissolve the Debts

Clear your debt payments if you are liable for it. This step is of vital importance, which can help you to improve your credit report rating.

Other Information

If you have unnecessary accounts then close it instantly. Remember Zero balance account is also taken into consideration. Verify each and every account that exists.