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How To Bounce Back From Bad Credit Ratings – Starting Today

How To Bounce Back From Bad Credit Ratings – Starting Today

Credit has a very important place in most people’s lives today. Bad credit ratings can prevent you from having essential things we need every day, such as, use a credit card, rent an apartment, qualify for financing for large purchase department store items, or buy a car, just to name a few.

If for whatever reason, you don’t make timely payments to a creditor or miss a payment, your creditor reports this to the credit bureau, and it is added to your credit report. If you do this too often, or default on a loan, you will have a bad credit rating and a low credit score. Once you have a bad credit rating, many doors will be closed to you: you will be unable to obtain most kinds of loans, and without a credit card you won’t be able to shop online, or rent a car, or do many of the other things you have grown accustomed to doing.

For these reasons, it is important that you protect your good credit rating. However, if misfortune causes a change in your circumstances and your credit-worthiness becomes an issue, you should begin your credit repair as soon as possible.

How to Repair bad Credit Ratings

Credit repair is usually a slow process requiring you to build your credit rating little by little over a long period of time. Although you might consider going to a reputable company offering credit repair services, you can effectively repair your own credit.

A good place to start repairing bad credit ratings is to get your credit report from the credit bureau and examine it carefully for errors. If there are no apparent errors, you can then begin your credit repair.

First, obtain a secured credit card and use it regularly but sensibly. Pay your monthly installment amounts in full and on time. Secured credit cards are issued by companies that usually cater to people who have bad credit. These types of credit cards usually require that you give an initial deposit equal to the card’s credit limit. For example, you give the company $500 for a card with a $500 credit limit. They have the right to use that deposit against any balance you have that remains outstanding for too long.

Using this formula, the credit card company assumes no risk because you will never owe more money than they are holding as your deposit. Secured cards also require annual fees that regular credit cards do not.

Using secured credit cards and paying the bills on time is one of the best ways to improve your credit rating. You develop a history that shows lenders that you take your debts seriously, and that is what lenders want from you — to be paid in full and on time.

To your advantage, paying bills on time not only helps in establishing a good history for you, but it also eliminates late fees and other financial penalties that make paying your bills so difficult.

How To Build Up Your Credit

How To Build Up Your Credit

There are many effective ways to build credit. In order to keep creditors from bothering you, and in order for you to get a loan with a reasonable interest rate, you need to learn how to build your credit. The best place to start is to not buy things that you don’t need. If you always make impulse buys, you will find yourself in deeper debt very quickly. And if you have no credit history at all, you must keep that in mind.

Build a good credit if you have bad credit

If you have bad credit, consult one of the many books available written by qualified financial advisors in order to get started on the right path. You can find books like these at your local library. In these books, you will find checklists and step-by-step advice that will help you turn your credit around. There are also guides available at the library that can instruct those in debt on how to write letters to their creditors. Letters are probably a more effective avenue to take rather than communicating by phone since most creditors will not be sympathetic to your situation.

Another value of written communication is that if you should end up in court, the written documentation will be easier to submit. Verbal commitments can be easily denied without written documentation. Any documentation that is relevant to your credit issues should be stored in a secure place. Make copies of any communication with credit agencies (both to and from you), and keep it under lock and key. If you notice any errors on your bills or credit, be sure to contact the correct agencies and dispute and resolve the charges right away.

If you have used your credit card to purchase an item or service and the item you bought was defective, you DO NOT have to make a payment on the charges. You do need to dispute the charges with the service provider that sold you the product. If the proprietor does not exchange the item or reimburse you for it, you have the right to deny payment. Once you have disputed the charges with the proprietor it is then your responsibility to contact your credit card company to dispute the charge.

If you have bad credit and have a credit card, you can use the card to repay your other debts and then make monthly payments on the credit card. Ironically, you are getting out of debt while remaining in debt. In other words, if you use your credit cards to pay other debts, your debt on your credit card will continue to increase. Since credit cards charge significant interest rates, your debt will continue to increase unless you can make significant monthly payments.

No Credit, No problem?

If you think that you do not need credit at all, that is simply not the case.

In today’s world, in order to make any major purchases, it is often a requirement that you have at least one major line of credit. Most lenders will not consider lending money or give credit to someone that has no established credit history. We are expected to establish a credit history when we are young, and if we do not lenders often wonder why, which makes you look like a high risk.

They have no way of knowing your payment record, or if you are able to pay off the debt at all. There are several reasons that lenders will refuse you a loan if you have not established a credit history. The best way to establish good credit is to have a credit card, make your monthly payments on time, and keep your spending under control. Good credit means managing your money each month and paying your bills on time.